zixpi app tester is a previewer for iOS mobile apps that are being built with zixpi platform for Hotels (www.zipxi.com). zixpi is a Guest Management Suite enabling Hoteliers to create mobile applications in order to promote their Hotel, facilities, services and destination and communicate with their guests, helping them redefine, enrich and improve guest experience while increasing Hotel revenues and expanding marketing opportunities.
zixpi app tester is not a stand-alone app, but it can only be used once you have a zixpi account.
After creating a zixpi account, use this previewer to test your application on your mobile. You can visualize any changes you make on structure, content, themes or images, you can test you links, multimedia and maps and see how your custom hotel services work on your app. Build your own, fully custom app and use app tester to see what your partners thing about it.
Simply download zixpi app tester, login with the code that will be given to you on zixpi platform account and preview your app on your smartphone.